
A pile of words.

This blog is about words. More specifically, this blog is about words that are used by the media, polititions, influencers, and any other entity — consciously or otherwise — to divide us. It was inspired by the comments Van Jones made to Republican strategist Matt Mowers‘ criticism of US Vice President Kamala Harris during a debate on CNN. To distill the converation, Matt Mowers used the term “incompetent” when describing both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Both Ashley Allison and Van Jones had an unassailable response to Rep Mowers: there is a way to criticize Kamala Harris without using the word “incompetent.” Van Jones ultimately responded bluntly: “Use another word.”

Now, both Jones and Allison were specifically referring to the harm the use of that word has on Black women, and while they made a very important point, what they touched on has an extremely broad impact on the recent development of the language in American politics. Years into an explosion of divisive rhetoric started by, but no longer exclusive to, the Republican party led by Donald Trump we find our nation deeply divided. The approach of using overly-simplistic, generalized words to inflame others in order to gain attention, garnish more clicks or views, and to completely dismiss others’ viewpoints has become the norm. This norm has stunted our growth as a society, making it nearly impossible to work together to assure the safety and security for all, regardless of belief. Ultimately, it is quickly eroding democracy because it encourage us to not seek compromise or understanding. Regardless of our political viewpoints, we need to find a way to see through the devisive rhetoric employed by politicians so widely today.

Nobody is immune to divisive rhetoric, and the only way to temper its use is to look inward. This blog is intended to open the discussion about the importance of choosing more effective, less hateful words using current, real-world examples. There is no intent to pick any sides here.

Anyone wishing to help write for this project is welcome. Please drop a note in the comments if you are.